Ngā mihi o te wā

A tui (bird) in a pohutakawa tree

Photo by Natalie Anderson

“Kia tau te rangimārie ki runga i a koutou/Let the peace settle on you”

This whakataukī is sent to you all with our aroha this holiday season. We’d like to acknowledge all those who have supported our mahi/work this year - our research participants, our communities, our community partners, and our health, social care, and academic colleagues. I’d also like to acknowledge the Te Ārai Kāhui Kaumātua for their ongoing support, as well as the whole Te Ārai research team for their passion, dedication and hard work. We have had a busy, but successful year in terms of seeing our work have impact where it is most needed. There is still much to do, particularly give the current political environment. So for now, we must rest, recover and come back with renewed energy for 2025!

Kia pai ngā hararei - Happy holidays!



Emergency care experiences of patients known to palliative care services


New resources for people experiencing homelessness