Learning from our consumers

August 17 2017

Jackie and Aileen together with a group of keen students from a variety of backgrounds aged residential care, hospice, acute setting ­­– enjoyed the first study day of the post -graduate specialty practice palliative care nursing course last week. Designed specifically for nurses, the course was offered for the first time in 2013.  Four years on and the course continues to develop- perhaps a reflection of the speed at which palliative care is evolving. The increasing need of our communities and the needs of people we care for and the nature of the health services we work in means that we too have to evolve to meet the needs of the workforce.

 Facilitating the course also means that Jackie and Aileen can share the great research of our group with nurses all around the country…from Whanganui to Wellington. Encouraging students to think creatively about their area of influence and how they too can integrate research evidence and contribute to the development of palliative care within their care setting was a focus of the day. 

 This year was the first time we had a consumer teaching on the program.  Ros Capper is the author of “The Accidental Carer”, a book telling her story of being a palliative carer for her husband Mike. To hear what Ros had to share was both humbling and inspiring and provided us all with an incredibly unique forum for learning directly from the people we care for.  

 We think Ros enjoyed it “ I appreciated the responsiveness of the students –  disclosing the main question they had for an ex palliative carer who had cared for her ill husband at home, and those who came up afterwards to engage further” …Ros shared a favorite piece of music..”I’m glad you liked the unexpected musical offering! I felt at home with you.”  Said Ros. You can check out her website and follow her blog and facebook page

Jackie and Aylene


Ros Capper discusses her key note for our November conference


Join us for our 2017 annual conference