The need to reframe loneliness

September 1 2018

Merryn was interviewed for a feature discussing our National Science Challenge project exploring loneliness among older people. She argues for a need to reframe understandings of older people as ‘victims’ of loneliness and acknowledge the benefits of better connected communities for people of all ages. (She would also like to point out that at no point did she say the word ‘elderly’ in the piece despite all evidence to the contrary…!).

We are working on a new video project to publicise findings from our project which explores culturally diverse experiences of social connectedness among older people in Aotearoa. With the talented Dr Schuchi Kothari involved, it’s bound to be something special, so watch this space.

If you are interested in reading more, Merryn, our UK colleague Dr Clare Gardiner, and nursing Summer Student Gideon Geldenhuys, wrote a summary of the evidence regarding supports to help older people experiencing loneliness. As ever, if you can’t navigate the paywell email us.


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