What’s the big deal about ‘video-reflexive ethnography’?

January 21 2019

We’re living in an era of increasing healthcare complexity and conventional research designs just can’t keep up. Greenhalgh and Papoutsi argue for a paradigm shift in research methodologies if we’re going to respond to the challenges we face now and in the future.

And in a nutshell, Video-reflexive ethnography (VRE) is just such a methodology. It embraces the complexities and uncertainties Greenhalgh and Papoutsi are talking about.

But don’t take our word for it, check out the new book our very own Dr Aileen Collier has co-authored: Video-Reflexive Ethnography in Health Research and Healthcare Improvement.

‘Very much in keeping with the values and philosophy of Te Arai,’ Aileen says, ‘VRE is concerned with carrying out research together with those who deliver health care as well as recipients of that care and their whānau.’

What the publisher has to say about the book:  ‘This innovative, practical guide introduces researchers to the use of the video reflexive ethnography in health and health services research. This methodology has enjoyed increasing popularity among researchers internationally and has been inspired by developments across a range of disciplines: ethnography, visual and applied anthropology, medical sociology, health services research, medical and nursing education, adult education, community development, and qualitative research ethic


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