Best in show!
April 26 2019
Jeff and Doreen Attwood by Lake Rotorua last weekend with their restored 1962 Morris Minor convertible, ‘Monique’.
Jeff and Doreen Attwood, who have been working with us on our ‘What Makes You Happy?’ digital stories project for people with dementia had good news to share this week. Doreen writes:
Over Easter weekend the Morris Minor Federation held a Convention in Rotorua. I drove Jeff’s convertible down and Jeff polished and cleaned it on our arrival for a whole day! When results of judging were announced the car was awarded Best Standard Restored; Best convertible and BEST OF SHOW! There were about 45 vehicles being judged.
We meet up with friends from as far south as Invercargill so Jeff had many happy hours socialising and renewing friendships, sharing his love and passion for Morris Minors.
So as Pablo Neruda quotes: “Joy in today and yesterday, the day before and tomorrow.” Jeff is still smiling and full of joy. So hobbies alongside dementia are wonderful for the soul, body and everyone around!
This is one of many awards Jeff has won for his excellent restoration work on the car.
Jeff and Doreen were featured on the NZ news & features programme 7 Sharp late last year. It’s a wonderful video, and you can catch up with it here via our blog post from November.