Communio PhD Scholarship in Palliative Care and End of Life

July 30 2019

This project seeks to improve care for people with life limiting illness and their families/whānau within the acute hospital setting. The PhD student will have flexibility in how they address this topic, but the overall aim is to improve patient and family/whānau outcomes. The research will sit within the Te Ārai Palliative Care and End of Life Research Group, the only bicultural palliative and end of life care research group internationally, who are recognised as conducting world leading research. This studentship will contribute to a program of work currently being undertaken in collaboration with Communio. This includes a project exploring rapport within acute hospitals at the end of life. We welcome potential applicants from any relevant disciplinary background but particularly welcome applications from suitably qualified nurses.

Funding Notes: This 3-year PhD studentship is funded by Communio and covers all course related costs and a tax-free stipend of $26,500 per year.

Application and selection process: The basis of selection will be academic merit and the quality and nature of the research proposal. Matters that may be considered in relation to academic merit include, but are not limited to, academic record, standing of awarding institution, academic references, CV, research and publication record. The candidate must have a GPA/GPE of 7.00 or above (6.50 for Māori or Pacific candidates) to be eligible for scholarship consideration.

Your application should consist of a CV, contact details of two academic referees, and you must also include a personal statement (1,000 words maximum) describing your interest in and suitability for this project. Applicants should be able to

  • demonstrate academic merit

  • provide evidence of appropriate research experience in a relevant discipline

  • demonstrate core attributes required of a researcher and have an interest in improving end of life care

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Merryn Gott ( or Dr Jackie Robinson (

Please submit your application to: Professor Merryn Gott by the 31st November 2019.


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