Harbour Hospice palliative care symposium – November 15th

October 30 2019

From Harbour Hospice:

Harbour Hospice is excited to bring Dr Wendy Duggleby, Nav-CARE co-developer, to New Zealand in November. Dr Duggleby will share Nav-CARE’s creation story and explore the possibility of translating it into a New Zealand context. Hosted by Professor Rod MacLeod, and featuring a guest panel of experts including Mary Schumacher CEO of Hospice New Zealand and geriatrician Dr John Scott, this is a not to be missed opportunity for learning and open discussion.

The Nav-CARE program was developed in Canada by Dr Wendy Duggleby and
Dr. Barbara Pesut through a series of research projects conducted over a seven year period.

Older adults experience health changes which have the greatest impact upon their lives but are less likely to seek help than younger people.

Through their research, they found that people living at home aged 65+ were often not receiving the support they needed, particularly when living in the transition between chronic illness and palliative care.

Their findings showed this wasn’t because support wasn’t available with in their community, it was simply because seniors were less aware of how to connect with support and resources available to them. This led to the creation and development of Nav-CARE, a program which trains experienced volunteers to become health navigators able to connect with, support and improve quality of life for older people living in their communities.

Nav-CARE is currently implemented in fourteen hospice societies, with plans to add another nine sites throughout Canada in 2019.

9.30am – 3.30pm
Whenua Pupuke Auditorium
North Shore Hospital, Auckland
$145 Medical Doctors / $95 other professions
Please contact us if you would like to attend but cost is prohibitive.
Enquires: education@harbourhospice.org.nz


PHPCI2019: reflections of a failed geographer

