November 4 2019

Merryn writes…

I was fortunate to be involved in a fantastic project exploring representations of women and ageing led by Dr Lorna Warren from the University of Sheffield. The Look at Me! Images of Women & Ageing Project aimed to transform the way society views older women. Older women in Sheffield joined creative workshops to explore images of ageing and then given the opportunity to create their own images of the ageing process.

Images were exhibited at public venues in and around Sheffield. The project has now ended, but Lorna put together a fantastic website which showcases the images and methods. It’s definitely worth exploring, particularly if you are interested in creative and participatory research methods and making older women visible.

The project was funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and was awarded an impact prize by them.


Power and Allyship: more reflections on #PHPCI2019


SHARE Project