A visit over the ditch

December 12 2019

I was fortunate to be invited to speak at a workshop by colleagues at the University of Southern Queensland, organised by Melissa Taylorand Melissa Carey. Local stakeholders from health and social care services and researchers attended to consider what research they could develop together focusing on supporting older people to be at home up until end of life (if this is their wish).

I spoke about three issues:

Strengthening the existing resource found in family carers and the wider community

  1. Being clear about the role of the acute hospital for people with palliative care needs

  2. The importance of adopting a health equity lens

We had some great discussions and it was interesting (if not slightly depressing) to see the same issues come up as we’ve found in Aotearoa, NZ and the UK, including siloing of services, inequitable funding models, lack of support for family carers, need for further attention to cultural safety and context, no repository of information about local supports, and poor availability of public transport. However, there was a lot of enthusiasm for moving forward together and it will be exciting to see what projects the group develop.

I showed some films and digital stories which can be found in the resources section of the blog. And the rest of the slides can be downloaded below.

Slides QSU workshop

Any further questions please get in touch with me at: m.gott@auckland.ac.nz


International Indigenous Research Nurses Summit 2019