Big News
Te Arai group members are PIs on 3 new grants funded by the Health Research Council of NZ
July 12 2017
Our latest edition of the School of Nursing’s research magazine, Reason, offers news about our research group’s latest grants from the Health Research Council (HRC) NZ . Tess Moeke-Maxwell, featured on the cover, was awarded a three-year $1.2 million study to explore Maori end of life care customs. The study will investigate the traditional care customs that whanau (Maori extended families) draw on to strengthen their caregiving activities and support palliative care service provision. Her story is featured on p. 7. Te Arai’s Maori kaumatua advisory group are taking part in the project as are Merryn Gott, Janine Wiles and Lisa Williams. (For more on Tess’ study see her interview on Maori TV.)
The HRC funded Rosemary Frey’s project that builds on her pilot project to evaluate the effectiveness of the Supportive Hospice and Aged Residential Care Exchange (SHARE) intervention. Te Arai research group members Michal Boyd, Jackie Robinson and Merryn Gott are also on the research team. Ofa Dewes, in her capacity as a research fellow with the Maurice Wilkins Centre of Research Excellence at the University, will be the principal investigator in a study investigating differences in fructose absorption in NZ high school students.
[Also featured on the cover of Reason this issue is School of Nursing researcher Dr Terryann (TC) Clark. Her HRC grant, also $1.2 million for three years, will explore the components of ‘whanaunagatanga’ and how it influences health outcomes for adolescent Maori. (Whanaunagatanga, according to TC, “has been described as the ‘basic cement that holds things Maori together’.) Her research is featured on p. 6.]