Caring is a feminist issue

March 4 2020

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Merryn and Tessa were invited to speak at an event held by Cicely Saunders Institute, Kings College London. Tessa was able to present in person as she is currently finishing her PhD at Cambridge University. Merryn was unable to pop over from Aotearoa NZ and so Lisa worked her magic and produced a film for the audience to watch. It aims to further the conversation about gender and palliative care started by Merryn’s plenary at the EAPC in Berlin and ultimately encourage all researchers – whether working in a laboratory or a community – to recognise gender as a central concern. We are excited that our call to arms to attend to gender as a key social determinant of end of life experience is being heard.

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We are working on a discussion paper that we hope will be published soon, but in the meantime key references underpinning the points Merryn is making can be downloaded here – plenary refs.

And Vivian’s story in graphic novel form will be released imminently. Here’s another image to whet your appetite (Merryn’s husband Jonathan starring as ‘grumpy GP!’)

For more information about anything mentioned in the talk – including the EAPC costs of care taskforce – please get in touch.


Palliative care is a feminist issue


Early DNR orders: some thoughts about gender