Congratulations Dr Anderson!

June 16 2020

Those of you who follow some of us on Twitter are likely to have seen that Natalie Anderson (aka @cerebralnurse) was awarded her PhD with no corrections. And – if that’s not amazing enough – we’ve just learned that she has also been placed on the Dean’s list! This award is made to only a few recipients each year from the large number of doctoral candidates completing their theses at the University of Auckland. We are all obviously very proud of her – particularly Merryn and Julia who were her supervisors.

If you want to read more about Natalie’s amazing research exploring paramedic resuscitation decision-making check out this blog

And here are a list of the publications in her thesis (please email me if you would like full copies and can’t access them).

  • Anderson, N. E., Slark, J., & Gott, M. (2020). When resuscitation doesn’t work: A qualitative study examining ambulance personnel preparation and support for termination of resuscitation and patient death. International emergency nursing, 49 10.1016/j.ienj.2019.100827

  • Anderson, N. E., Slark, J., Faasse, K., & Gott, M. (2019). Paramedic student confidence, concerns, learning and experience with resuscitation decision-making and patient death: A pilot survey. Australasian emergency care, 22 (3), 156-161. 10.1016/j.auec.2019.07.001

  • Anderson, N. E., Slark, J., & Gott, M. (2019). Unlocking intuition and expertise: using interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore clinical decision making. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN NURSING, 24 (1-2), 88-101. 10.1177/1744987118809528

  • Anderson, N., Slark, J., & Gott, M. (2019). How are ambulance personnel prepared and supported to withhold or terminate resuscitation and manage patient death in the field? A scoping review. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine, 16.10.33151/ajp.16.697

  • Anderson, N. E., Gott, M., & Slark, J. (2018). Grey areas: New Zealand ambulance personnel’s experiences of challenging resuscitation decision-making. International Emergency Nursing, 39, 62-67. 10.1016/j.ienj.2017.08.002
    Other University of Auckland co-authors: Merryn GottJulia Slark

  • Anderson, N. E., Gott, M., & Slark, J. (2018). Beyond prognostication: ambulance personnel’s lived experiences of cardiac arrest decision-making. Emergency medicine journal : EMJ, 35 (4), 208-213. 10.1136/emermed-2017-206743
    Other University of Auckland co-authors: Merryn GottJulia Slark

  • Anderson, N. E., Gott, M., & Slark, J. (2017). Commence, continue, withhold or terminate?: a systematic review of decision-making in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 24 (2), 80-86. 10.1097/mej.0000000000000407

I am sure Natalie will blog again about her PhD as a whole when she’s back from her very well deserved holiday. (And hopefully share some of her (amazing) holiday photos as well!)


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