September 16 2021

Merryn writes…

I am very excited to be editing a special edition of the journal Palliative Medicine with Dr Kelli Stajduhar on equity oriented palliative care. We know there is lots of amazing work happening at the moment in this area and can’t wait to showcase it. Deadline for submissions is 4th March 2022 so lots of time to put together a submission!

We are particularly interested in publishing empirical research which centres the views and experiences of communities and people impacted by structural inequities and illuminates innovative models of palliative care delivery.  We especially encourage contributions from those in the palliative care research workforce who have been impacted by structural inequities themselves, e.g. Indigenous and racially minoritised researchers as well as those from other structurally disadvantaged groups. For more information please see the Palliative Medicine website.


Who says you’re old?


Poverty and deprivation at end-of-life