February 21 2020

Amazing how time flies! Tess’s HRC three year HRC funded project exploring Māori end of life care customs is now in its last year. We had a fantastic hui last week in beautiful Long Bay on Auckland’s North Shore with the full research team and led by our Kāmatua Roopu. The project has recorded 16 digital stories representing different aspects of end of life caregiving and completed 61 interviews with whānau, rongoa practitioners, tohunga and Māori palliative care workers.

A key output from the project is a website to support whānau in accessing information about cultural care customs. This will be launched later in the year. We are really excited to see the final product as there has been some amazing knowledge shared – and a fantastic collaboration to support the visuals….(more details to follow!).


Bicultural Palliative Care Model


A new creative direction