Read all about it… Reason Magazine ready for download

December 14 2020

Launch of the Pā Te Aroha website, a major outcome of the Health Research
Council funded study that investigated Māori end of life care customs.

Our latest issue of Reason magazine is ready for you to have a read. Inside you’ll learn about the new kete of knowledge for Māori whānau, one of the creative outputs ( by Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell and her co-researchers on the Pae Herenga project. It represents four years of hard work and connecting with research participants who contributed their knowledge about Māori end of life care practices. Inside you’ll also find news about our very successful year in grant awards, a closer look at some of our research, and the awards and achievements of staff and students.

As always, our December issue features our publications list so you can easily find in one place our research for the year.

Reason Dec 2020 Download


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