Seminar series kicks-off

July 20 2017

A good turnout for our first seminar yesterday addressing these research questions from our Te Pakeketanga: Living and Dying in Advanced Age Study

(Watch the video or read the protocol paper)

  • What are the end-of-life circumstances of Māori dying in advanced age?

  • What are the experiences of their whānau and family during the end-of-life period and after bereavement?

Here are some brief highlights:

Tess reported that…

  • Overall, both Māori and non-Māori were ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ satisfied with their healthcare

  • Of prime importance for Māori whānau caregivers is to uplift the mana of their dying relative and that it’s important for healthcare professionals to realise the part they play in ensuring this happens

Lisa gave a brief introduction to family caregivers’ role in helping their older relatives access healthcare services. (Stay tuned for a related paper due out soon in BMC Palliative Care.)

And, we showed Farewell: Haere Atu Ra, our 28 minute film about the real-life experiences of Kiwis caring for their relatives at the end of their lives.  We had inquiries from the audience about using it as a teaching tool. Go for your life, we said! So if you’d like a copy, get in touch via the Contact page.


‘The seldom heard’