Te Ipu Aronui

May 4 2021

New website supports Māori whānau to care for kaumātua

Tess Moeke-Maxwell and her Pae Herenga research team have created Te Ipu Aronui, a comprehensive website designed to strengthen whānau capabilities regarding Māori end of life care customs. A key feature of the site is pūrākau (stories) from whānau manaaki (family carers), rongoā clinicians, tohunga practitioners and Māori health professionals. Participants in the Pae Herenga study, they generously contributed their insights into the different ways whānau manaaki provide care. Their pūrākau highlight the strength of Māori aroha (love, caring, and compassion).

Featuring artwork by Sofia Minson, Te Ipu Aronui is divided into sections targeted specifically to whānau and to health professionals. There is also a link that provides background information on the Pae Herenga research that underpins the website. This rich resource covers topics such as ‘spiritual care’, ‘rongoa’, ‘caring for kaumatua before and after death’, ‘bereavement’, and tangihanga. In addition, health professionals can expand their cultural competence by exploring the topics ‘Maori diversity’, ‘workforce development’, ‘communication, information and advocacy’, as well as many others.

Pae Herenga has been funded by the Health Research Council. Tess is the principal investigator.


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