We’re Live! Have Your Say New Zealanders

June 2 2020

Have Our Say flyer Download

Our project Have Our Say is now live! We want New Zealanders 70 and older to write us a letter expressing their views on lockdown and COVID-19. Learn more on the website or go directly to the online form to write us a letter. People can also write us a letter by email (letters@haveoursay.org) or by post:

Have Our Say
c / o School of Nursing
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019. Auckland Mail Centre Auckland 1142

Photos and videos also welcome. With the letter-writer’s permission their letter will become part of an archive held at the Auckland Museum.

We believe our project is important because people over 70 have been identified as the group most vulnerable to Covid-19 and have had specific restrictions imposed on their activities. The media has often characterised them as passive and in need of protection. Yet their views remain largely unknown.

People are free to write us anything they choose, but we’re offering some ideas, to get the brain juices flowing:

  • How have you found the experience of lockdown? Was it different for you at the different alert levels? Did the lockdown remind you of any other significant events in your life?

  • How did you stay socially connected with family/whanau/friends who were not in your bubble?

  • Did the lockdown impact any of your cultural or social practices? If so, how?

  • What helped you the most get through the lockdown period, especially at Level 4?

  • How did you help others during the lockdown?

  • Do you have any thoughts or comments about the ways that various
    media talked about people over 70 in relationship to the pandemic?

  • Is there anything you would like to tell the Prime Minister about what people in your age group needed during the lockdown?

Please share this post…we want to hear from New Zealanders all around the country.

Download the project information sheet for complete details Download


Seeking letters from lockdown to tell a story


Introducing the Whare Tapa Whā Older Person’s Palliative Care Model