Consumer and carer leadership in palliative care

August 21 2019

A new systematic review in Palliative Medicine explores consumer and carer leadership in palliative care. The findings highlight the benefits of consumer leadership in palliative care: more relevant, higher-quality services, teaching and research. Not clear in the 11 studies examined in the article is the extent to which consumer leaders had influence in relation to setting agendas across the palliative care sector. The authors (including Aileen Collier) conclude that more could be done to support consumer leadership within palliative care. Academics and clinicians might improve the relevance of their work if they are able to more meaningfully partner with consumers in systemic roles in palliative care.

See: Scholz B, Bevan A, Georgousopoulo E, Collier A and Mitchell I. Consumer and carer leadership in palliative care academia and practice: A systematic review with narrative synthesis. Palliative Medicine 2019.


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