Lots of Te Ārai news in the new edition of Reason Magazine

March 2 2022

The latest edition of Reason Magazine is out now, and it features members of Te Ārai are featured throughout. Download it and read up on:

  • Natalie Anderson and Emergency Department workplace wellbeing

  • Rosemary Frey, Melissa Carey, Jackie Robinson and Deb Balmer and New Zealand’s new assisted dying bill

  • Jackie Robinson’s article on the end of life experience and also her article on heart failure – the conversations we don’t seem to be having

  • Jackie and Natalie’s new Health Research Council activation grants

  • Tessa Morgan’s research about how older adults really feel about caring for their ailing partners

  • Lisa Williams and Merryn Gott’s grant with international partners in the UK and Sweden.

  • The list of 138 journal articles published by School of Nursing researchers in 2021.

Reason – Autumn 2022 Download


New Te Ārai podcast: Our oldest old are on the front lines of providing care


Does palliative care research treat everybody the same? New podcast