April 10 2019

Merryn Gott and Jackie Robinson presented on equity in an end of life context at the 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion in Rotorua, NZ. They discussed how such issues as ageism, sexism and racism affect end of life experience. For example, the list below details those who are less likely to access hospice or specialist palliative care:

  • People with conditions other than cancer*

  • People with long term serious mental illness*

  • People aged >80 years*

  • Māori, Pacific and Asian people*

  • People living in areas of deprivation

  • Homeless and vulnerably housed people

  • People living in rural areas

  • People with intellectual disabilities

  • People in prison

To learn more, have a look at their PowerPoint slides: IUHPE and/or view this video clip of Merryn introducing the topic in the New Zealand Herald.


Video Ethnography online book launch